DDA Real Estate
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Office address
Arenco Tower990, Sheikh Zayed road0 Floor, Office 004, 14287 76320, Dubai, UAE, UAE, Dubai. Arenco Tower990, Sheikh Zayed road0 Floor, Office 004
Languages spoken by employees
Countries agency working with
DDA Real Estate is the company on the market that offices in UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam. We will find you a property in UAE for investing, renting out or living for free with full follow-up support of a deal (our work is paid by developer).
DDA Real Estate – are resident of those counties where offices of our company is open. Our company has more that 400 project with flats and apartment from developer. In every county we working in, we had sign a contract with main developers. For most of them, DDA Real Estate – is preferred partner.
Agency specialists

Khurshid Muladzhanov
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