About me
"Alternative" is a real estate agency in Bulgaria. We will help you to find an apartment, a house, an office, a shop, an industrial facility very quickly, to conclude a profitable, legally flawless deal. Our offers cover the best resorts in the country, located in Nessebar, in the settlements of Ravda, Slynchev Bryag, Sveti Vlas, Elenite, Kosharitsa, Byala. Pomorie, Sarafovo. See all the offers with actual prices in our real estate catalogue. Your goals are our actions Do you want to make a profitable investment? This is justified! Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, the country with the lowest housing prices in Europe. The cost of objects is growing, the owners are making a profit from year-round renting of apartments at a profitable cost to numerous tourists; Do you dream of a seaside vacation with the whole family? Renting a villa, an apartment or apartments on the coast, you will enjoy sea bathing in summer, SPA-resorts, the cleanest air in winter, colourful cuisine in any season; Did you use to save? You will not overpay for the rest in a hotel, you will settle in your second home.